Dental Office in Freehold

Building Strong Habits for a Healthy Mouth

April 30, 2024

Good oral hygiene is about more than just brushing and flossing daily. Preventive dentistry encompasses education, treatment, and the steps necessary to maintain healthy teeth and gums. By following a comprehensive preventative dentistry routine, you can avoid problems like gum disease, cavities, and other issues that could impact your oral health and overall well-being.

The Importance of Preventive Care for Optimal Oral Health

At Central Smiles Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we believe in taking a proactive approach to maintaining optimal oral health. Here are some steps you can take to keep your smile and those of your loved ones in top shape:

  • Establish good oral hygiene habits by brushing twice a day for two minutes each time with an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste.
  • Eat a balanced and nutritious diet, avoiding foods and beverages high in sugars or very acidic. Limit sticky sweets and brush your teeth afterward. Swap out sodas and sports drinks for water instead.
  • Avoid harmful oral habits such as nail biting, chewing on pencils or ice, lip or tongue piercings, and don't smoke or use tobacco products. If your child has a habit of sucking their fingers or thumb, try to help them break it at home or seek dental advice before their permanent teeth come in.
  • Get regular checkups, professional cleanings, and routine care as recommended by the American Dental Association.

Preventing Dental Disease and Detecting Emerging Issues Early On

Our top priority is helping patients of all ages enjoy the benefits of good oral health. You can count on our office to provide you and your family with the guidance, resources, and care needed to establish a strong foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

During regular checkup visits, we carefully examine each smile, looking for signs of dental disease and other issues that could impact oral health and overall well-being. After reviewing your medical and dental history, we'll perform an extra and intra-oral exam. We'll screen for oral cancer and other suspicious lesions, check occlusion, TMJ function, and more. We may use diagnostic films as needed to detect cavities, periodontal disease, and other oral pathology. With regular checkup visits, we're able to find emerging issues early in their development when they are typically easiest to treat.

As part of a comprehensive preventive care program, professional dental cleanings offer an excellent opportunity to remove any accumulated plaque and tartar that your toothbrush might have missed. Since dental plaque and tartar harbor bacteria that cause dental disease, a professional cleaning helps protect your smile from the damage associated with cavities and gum disease. We'll also use this time to provide instruction in the best methods of brushing and flossing and offer nutritional guidance to support a healthy smile. Children may be particularly vulnerable to cavities, so we might recommend periodic fluoride treatments or dental sealants for added protection against tooth decay.

At the office of Central Smiles Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we're committed to providing comprehensive care to support healthy, beautiful smiles! Call today for more information on our services and how we can help you achieve optimal oral health.

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Family Dentist in Freehold